Here are some pamphlets in single page form. Please contact us to receive any of them in print form.
How to Pray: Jesus' Instruction
A Message for the Living from the Bible (VanSteenburgen)
What Conference Table to Meet with God?
Do Some Issues Go Beyond Right & Wrong?
The Modern Church's 10 Commandments
Unspoken Advice that Men Live By
Compartmentalizing: Right and Wrong
Don't Let a Goat Get Your Goat
Holiness as the Proper Worship Atmosphere
I think, therefore I am... accountable
Our Words as Daily Sacrifices: A Witnessing Principle
Orientation to Christ and Christianity
The Gossip as the Devil's Newsboy
Faith Versus Science in Our Public Schools (by Karl Udwary)
Christmas: To Celebrate or Not to Celebrate?
Christmas: A Worship Invention
Christmas: At its Best it Keeps Jesus a Baby
Christmas and the Wonderful 'How-do-you-Know' Game
Christmas and the Public Sector
Message from a King (Nebuchadnezzar) to the World
What in the WORLD Does John 3:16 Mean?
A Gracious Woman Maintains Honor
He Who Wins Souls is Wise: the Art of Persuasion
Do You Bury Offenses or Dig Them Up?
All Dressed Up and Nothing to Buy: The Sad Tale of the Fool Seeking Wisdom
Slow Down! You Move Too Fast. (Truth and Haste)
Love of Pleasure Posing as Love of God
The Biblical Psychology of Spanking
God Directs the Hearts of Our Leaders
The Saints' Assaults on the Bastions of Unbelief
The Clever Craft of the Idle Disciple
...and When He is Old, He will Not Depart From It
The Soul's House is Built by Wisdom